UWNCO and Our Local Community Foundation Endowment Funds
We enjoy great working partnerships with the community foundations from the counties we serve – The Community Foundation for Crawford County, Marion Community Foundation, and Wyandot County Community Foundation – and our benefactors have local United Way endowment fund choices with each of them, ensuring an enduring legacy for our work in the region.
Endowment funds are a unique community foundation funding tool available for nonprofit organizations that can help protect and grow capital while providing donors the opportunity to make gifts that will continue to support local agencies in perpetuity.
The Community Foundation for Crawford County is a permanent, tax-exempt, public charitable foundation established to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Crawford County.
Use the button below to donate to the CF4CC endowment fund for United Way of North Central Ohio serving Crawford County. Please note “United Way Designated Fund” in the Donor Scroll block on the form.
Established in 2004, the United Way Endowment Fund at Marion Community Foundation is an organizational endowment created to enable United Way of Marion County to support its own operations and programs in a fiscally responsible and long term way. Through annual grants, this fund helps United Way of Marion County support itself and continue its mission—and those of its local partners and programs—of helping others in Marion County.
Wyandot County Community Foundation’s UWWC Endowment Fund provides a safe and efficient vehicle for growth of your investment in the Wyandot community. Earnings from the Endowment Fund support United Way projects and programs working to fill Wyandot County with successful children, healthy families, and self-sufficient individuals. Funds are invested and managed by the Toledo Community Foundation.