UWNCO Coalitions: United in Impact

Collective Impact: A Shared Vision for Change

Collective community impact begins with a common agenda – common understanding of the problem and a shared vision for change – and an agreement for data collection and measurement.

Five Conditions of Successful Collective Impact

There are five conditions to be met to ensure successful collective impact.

COMMON AGENDA. All collaboration participants have a shared vision for change that includes a common understanding of the problem and a joint approach to solving the problem through agreed-upon actions.

SHARED MEASUREMENT. All participants agree on how to measure and report on collaboration progress, with a short list of common indicators used to drive learning and improvement.

MUTUALLY REINFORCING ACTIVITIES. The collaboration participant’s programs and activities are individualized but still coordinated to produce the outcomes outlined by the Common Agenda.

CONTINUOUS COMMUNICATION. Success of the collaboration requires all participating agencies to engage in frequent and structured open communication to build trust, assure mutual objectives, and create common motivation.

BACKBONE SUPPORT. Creating and managing successful collective impact requires a dedicated staff to serve as the backbone for the entire initiative and to coordinate all participants.

Learn More About United in Impact Coalitions

United Way of North Central Ohio currently funds and facilitates four collective impact coalitions – Marion County Childcare Coalition, Marion Transportation Coalition, Crawford Transportation Coalition, and Marion Housing Coalition. Learn more about each of these organizations at the links below.

If you are interested in learning more about United in Impact coalitions, please reach out to UWNCO Community Impact Director Erica Hart at erica@unitedwaynco.org.

Coalition Roles & Responsibilities


UWNCO will maintain overall strategic coherence and coordinate stakeholder engagement and data collection and analysis.

Responsibilities of the Backbone:

  • Facilitate Leadership Team meetings
  • Liaison between Action Team chairs/co-chairs and the Leadership Team
  • Oversee fiscal management
  • Support the defined strategy, community engagement, and shared measurement
  • Coordinate annual summits
  • Serve as a vocal champion of the collective impact effort


Made up of individuals who work together around specific goals that align with the overall strategic plan of the coalition.

Responsibilities of the Action Teams:

  • Select a Chair (and Co-Chair) who will build agendas, facilitate meetings and build consensus
  • Action Team Chair attends Leadership Team meetings
  • Develop strategies and projects to align with the coalition’s strategic plan and mission
  • Determine and track performance measures
  • Serve as a vocal champion of the collective impact effort


Cross-sector community partners that provide strategic direction for the Coalition. Chairs from all the action teams will also sit on the Leadership Team.

Responsibilities of the Leadership Team:

  • Develop and refine Common Agenda including results, goals, and performance measures
  • Track progress of work
  • Ensure consensus within the Leadership Team
  • Participate in regularly scheduled meetings
  • Serve as a vocal champion of the collective impact effort
Blue and gray logo reading Clear Impact Academy and Certified Results-Based Accountability Professional

Special thanks to our UWNCO Bold Goal Champions.