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Join us for one or ALL FIVE of our UWNCO Coffee Crawl coffee shop events!

Meet our community impact partners, visit with supporters and donors, and enjoy the hospitality of local coffee shops at this November series of open house events! Learn about the projects and programs bringing #BoldGoal impact to the community and help us celebrate a strong start to our Community Campaign. All are welcome and the coffee’s on us!

This year’s stops on the Coffee Crawl are November 8 at Beca House Coffee Company in Upper Sandusky from 8 to 10 am; November 11 at Sames & Cook in Mt. Gilead from 8:30 to 11 am; November 13 at Three Bean Coffee House in Galion from 8 to 10 am; November 14 at The Remnant Tea & Coffee in Marion from 8:30 to 10:30 am; and November 19 at Bailiwicks Coffee Company in Tiffin from 9 am to noon.

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