Calling all candle lovers, bargain hunters, and gift-giving gurus! The Crossroads/United Way Fall Open House & Candle Sale is back! Here’s what you need to know…

Want first dibs on the BEST deals? Get your pre-sale ticket for just $5! 100% of ticket proceeds go directly to the United Way of Crawford County. Tickets will be available for purchase online starting Sept. 15th, and at the Bucyrus Factory Store starting Sept. 16th.

No ticket needed! Just come ready to stock up on amazing finds.
Thousands of incredible deals on candles, home decor, food, gifts, and MORE! Discontinued items, overstock, closeouts – all at unbeatable prices.
Mark your calendars!
Pre-Sale (ticket required): Nov. 6 & 7 (8am-6pm)
General Public Sale: Nov. 8 & 9 (9am-6pm)
Location: 115 Crossroads Blvd., Bucyrus, OH, 44820
General Public Sale: Nov. 8 & 9 (9am-6pm)
Location: 115 Crossroads Blvd., Bucyrus, OH, 44820